6 Employee Engagement Communication Tips for Managers

4  different microphones are set on a table

There are lots of ways to communicate. Certainly your voice will be more easily heard over a microphone. But the most direct and effective mode of communication is in one-on-one conversations.

Do you have about 100 employees in your organization? With only these few, you could lose over half a million dollars every year if the communication between your managers and their teams is ineffective…much of the cost is in employee disengagement and turnover. Imagine how much you risk if you have a larger workforce! 

Clearly, according to employee engagement training, it matters a lot how well your managers communicate with their team members. Here are 6 tips for managers so they connect more effectively with their reports and help, not hinder, employee engagement:

1. Be Honest and Open
If you want the trust and advocacy of your employees, you must earn it. Be consistently honest and fair in your dealings with employees. Communicate in a straightforward, open way. Be truthful and never play favorites. This is the way to establish a foundation of trust and mutual respect. 

2. Get Personal
Be friendly and show your genuine interest in their well-being. You don’t have to become “friends” per se but try to get to know them on more than a professional level. Learn what they like to do both on and off the job. Listen for clues as to how they spend their free time…with friends and family, on the athletic field, exploring nearby parks, going to the movies, playing a musical instrument. Common interests help cement trusting relationships. 

3. Express Your Commitment to the Organization
Share your genuine passion for the products, services and solutions of your company. When you are truly dedicated to your work and the organization’s mission, vision and values, you set an example and, as a leader, influence those who report to you. They will soon reflect your enthusiasm and your positive vibes. 

4. Seek Feedback on Your Performance and Listen Well
When you ask for employee feedback, you project a sincere desire to learn and grow. Find out where you can improve and then act upon employee suggestions. As you model the role of a committed, continuous learner, your employees will more readily accept feedback from others, look to improve their own behavior and become more engaged. 

5. Show Your Appreciation
It is well known that rewards and recognition have a direct impact on employee engagement levels. If employees feel underappreciated or unrecognized by their manager and coworkers, they become disengaged and may well leave. Communicate how much you value employee contribution with simple thanks and praise, greater autonomy, and rewards that are meaningful.

6. Be Accountable
Back up what you say with what you do. Show your employees that you don’t just make empty promises; you always follow through.

Foster an engaged workforce with effective manager-worker communication. Not only can you increase employee engagement, you will find that productivity improves and positively affects business performance.

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