Get More Emotional with Frontline Employees to Increase Engagement

Engaging top talent is critical for a company to succeed both now and in the future. Without it, the agility required to recalibrate strategies as marketplaces change becomes more difficult, turnover costs can increase, productivity and quality can drop and customer satisfaction can decrease.

Employee engagement training gurus know all of this. But sometimes they miss a key aspect of how to address the issue. Management cannot change the problem on their own. Rather, the solution lies in starting with the frontline workers and fostering their emotional connection to what they do day-to-day and how they interact with their customers. When employees care about their work emotionally as well as intellectually, they put in the extra effort it takes to excel.

Frontline employees know your customers.

  • Talk to these employees to find out what customers want.
  • Find out what they think would improve customer satisfaction.
  • Give them leeway to solve customer problems and incorporate their suggestions into your customer strategy.
The more frontline workers feel involved in designing company policy and direction, the more they will be engaged and the more they will be committed to company success.

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