3 Steps to Better Engagement: Don’t Be Part of the 70%

What can you do to see that your work force is actively engaged on the job?
  1. Build on strength. Figure out who finds their work satisfactory and find out why. Try to copy what is working individual-by-individual and team-by-team.
  2. Encourage participation. If employees feel they have a safe forum, they are more likely to share ideas and best practices. Give employees a chance to talk with one another about what works and what doesn’t. As long as there is an open, trusting environment where workers can speak freely, you will learn a lot about what matters to them and then you should go about changing what you can.
  3. One measure is not enough. You have to keep tuned in and focused on positive engagement so you know when enthusiasm for work flags. Then it is up to you to address the issue.

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